The Park

Immerse yourself in the bright colours of nature

The park is the outcome of a long study aimed at bringing together many trees that do not need much watering; trees and plants belonging to different and far areas, but which have similar microclimate conditions, on soil that is dry in summer and very cold in winter. The trees, that we have selected, have something in common: they can adapt themselves to the climate, realizing different forms of protection that involve their own organic structure up to modifying their respiratory process or adapting themselves according to the conditions of the environment they live in.

The three-hectares park offers the visitor different environmental experiences:

the grey plants garden, the grove, the rose garden, the large graminaceous flowerbed, the lake with the aquatic plants and the swamp, the lemon tree glasshouse, vast green areas with their centenary olive trees, bushes with fragrant blooms. This garden assembles 400 species of plants that do not need summer watering. You will be surprised to notice how in this area, with low rainfall, there is so much water collected during rainy days by means of a system of drains, piping and tanks that keep the water level constant. The gurgling water, the sound of the wind and the twittering of the birds are the soundtrack of the garden.

Top Pic: Dario Fusaro

The Bush

This area of the park defines the borders, and it might be a model for those who would like to grow a hedge around their garden, the borders are marked by essences that are not usually grown for this purpose, but they offer quite amazing chromatic and volumetric effects. We would like to break the geometric symmetry that delimits the green spaces, they are not prison walls but they surround the properties, so let’s make them pleasant and gentle to see, inviting and not repelling. We need to create and share beauty.

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The Garden of the Library

In this area we have collected a great variety of Mediterranean plants gathered on mass and extending over the grounds, especially in the area which leads to the rose garden. The chromatic effect is various, brilliant colours catch the light, reflecting and changing tones.
Some of the volumes are under contrasting control, while others are free, breaking the geometry and giving naturalness to the composition.

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The grass plants

This piece of land collects countless plants that change their blooming all year long; this is a wonderful place with its constantly changing colours and volumes. After a total pruning at the end of winter, the little white bulbous plants bloom in spring-like an endless Milky Way, on a dark setting, dotted by small flowers that seem to be like stars. Next to the little white plants, there are the evergreen weeds and it all looks like a palette of colours, in the end, the grass plants wave in the wind throwing golden shimmers of light.

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The small wood

Our wood is very small, there are deciduous trees and bushes chosen for the colours of their foliage in autumn, for their spring blooming and the summer fragrances. The undergrowth is quite rich in weeds and bulbous plants as in the natural woods and there are even wild strawberries. It seems like a place out of a fairytale and I’m pretty sure that a little leprechaun lives here.

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The Lake

A rainwater irregular shaped basin which lies at the foot of the hill follows its outline, the depth is graduated according to the needs of the plants that grow here. The most romantic place of the garden extends under the dreamy gaze of the “Bather” statue, a work of art by the sculptor Sbarluzzi.

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The Olive Garden

The backbone of the entire park is surely the Olive garden with its superb and centuries old olive trees, powerful but not overbearing. With their large silver branches, in the night they highlight the colours and the fragrances of this Mediterranean garden reflecting the rays of the moon in glimpses of light. The centuries-old olive trees remind us of the strong image of the Tuscan landscape.

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The Lemon Garden

The lemon house is always present in the Tuscan gardens, a tradition that comes from the period of the Medici family and it was exported in France by Caterina de’ Medici. The lemon garden was present in almost every villa of the Italian noble families.
The growing in a pot, of a plant that was considered an exotic plant, symbolized the prestige and wealth of the owners of the garden, who used this place as a place for appointments. In our lemon house, we organize quite often events, and concerts carrying on the ancient tradition.

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The Rose Garden

As the lemon garden, the rose one reminds us of the historical Italian gardens, a closed place to grow the flower par excellence, the rose. The rose is the first flower we plant in our gardens. How can one resist its charm, and what’s more how can one resist its religious and esoteric meanings, entering in our heart and soul not only with its beauty.

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The Garden of Grey Plants

In this garden one can see what it means to grow the plants in a dry place, you can enjoy their fragrances and the various grey colours of their foliage, the cohabitation of native plants and plants that come from far away countries but which have a Mediterranean microclimate. You can smell the scent of their leaves, close your eyes and you it will seem to be by the seaside.

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The Lake Shore

The area that surrounds the lake reminds us of a wet place with fragrances that are typical of this environment. But what is surprising is the fact that all these plants have nothing to do with water, and they are not touched by water. Here we are again surrounded by the fragrances of lavender, helichrysum (everlasting flowers) and many other Mediterranean plants in an endless succession of colours and scents.

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